A consortium of energy companies operating in the Caspian Basin came to a decision about the transportation of their gas from the Turkish border to Europe.
The biggest surprise of this round of elections was Five Star Movement's victory in Parma. Led by former comedian Beppe Grillo, the party has focused on advocating for green energy, environmental sustainability and criticizing the political elites.
After managing to handle the free movement of 400 million Europeans, the entry of 20,000 Tunisians lead Sarkozy and Burlesconi to call for the "reform" of the Schengen area.
Up until last night I was convinced it would be easy to make you laugh at the extent of my ignorance. I'm a shameless football ignoramus. Last time I watched a game was with my step father, as a teenager, centuries ago. Just looking at people running on a football field made me feel tired --as if I had been the one painfully dragging myself from one end to the other. And so for years, I lived happily without knowing anything about football --not even as much as very basic terms.